Marietta Chapter SAR Color Guard
Marietta Color Guard Information
Battles at the time of the American Revolution were usually fought in skirmishes in a relatively small area of a few acres, at cross roads, a bridge, or other point of significant tactical importance. Consequently, most of the battles were fought virtually hand to hand. Heavy equipment was difficult to manipulate and move from point to point.
It was also difficult to communicate with the soldiers as they fought the battle. The Commander would ride horseback along the front of the line encouraging the troops to persevere, then retire behind the lines to have a better view of the action. The rallying point for the soldiers was their “Colors”. Each Battalion had its Flag, usually a Flag of the State, or a military unit. General Washington eventually flew the Flag of the Colonies, the “Betsy Ross” flag with its thirteen stars and thirteen strips in red, white and blue.

May 27, 2019 Marietta Chapter Memorial for the Revolutionary Soldiers and Patriots of the Northwest Territory.
The battle flag could be seen by all the troops, as it was generally flown in the middle of the front line. The Flag provided the much needed communications to the soldiers as they fought. If the Flag moved forward, the troops knew to go forward, if it retreated, they knew to retreat. The enemy made good use of the Flag being the central form of communication to the troops, and would make every effort to put down the Guardsman who carried it. If a Color Guardsman, who could not use his gun as he carried the flag, was hit, another Guardsman would take up the Flag and continue on in the battle. The Color Guardsman was considered a hero of special account, and it was an honor to carry the Flag during battle, and on other occasions.
Today, the Sons of the American Revolution honor the memory of those brave soldiers by forming a Color Guard at most of it’s many Chapter locations across the country. The Color Guard is employed in many Patriotic events such as the laying of Wreaths on the tombs of Unknown Soldiers, accompanying the Funeral procession of a Compatriot, in Parades, providing the Colors for the Pledge of Allegiance at public gatherings and on other such occasions.
Becoming a member of the SAR Color Guard is considered by many, reason enough to become a member of the Sons of the American Revolution. The only requirement to joining this respected group is membership in the SAR, and having an appropriate uniform, or costume, to wear when carrying the Flag. Also members of the Color Guard include those who march with or fire muskets in salutes, and those who participate in the fife and drum corp.
Marietta Chapter Color Guard Committee Policies
1. The minimum number of members in the Chapter Color Guard is three. There will be no maximum. The Chapter Color Guardsmen, individually or as a group, may march with any unit of the OHSSAR or the NSSAR.
2. Members who have access to a flint lock musket are encouraged to form a special unit of the Color Guard. Where this unit has at least three members, they will fire salutes at outdoor activities where appropriate. All members are encouraged to march with the Flags in all other activities. Individual members may also join with musketeers from other chapters in State or National events. There is not a minimum to the number of members for this unit.
3. Those that are able to fife or drum are encouraged to join the Color Guard.
4. All members of the Color Guard must wear a proper Uniform when participating in any event. The Uniform should be consistent with National SAR standard: generally, any outfit that replicates that which might have been worn during the time period of the Revolutionary War, whether in battle or not. A diversity of uniforms for the Chapter is encouraged as they provide an opportunity to educate the public regarding the outfits worn during the War.
5. Color Guard members must be in good standing in the SAR to participate in SAR events.
6. The Color Guard Commander will be selected either by Guard members, by the President or by general election, and will serve a minimum two years in office.
7. Guardsmen are encouraged to be able to explain their uniforms, arms, flags, and weapons to the public.
8. The Commander will prepare semi-annual and an annual report of activities for submission to the OHSSAR Color Guard Commander.
9. The Marietta Chapter should have at least three flags to be carried. Those can be various American flags (Betsy Ross, 50 States, etc.), a State flag, a SAR flag (State, Chapter, National), with one American Flag, two accessory flags and two muskets (optional) being optimal.
10. As a general rule the SAR Color Guard will not participate in the same event with an active unit of the U. S. Armed Services, to prevent comparisons between full-time soldiers and Color Guardsmen.
11. Members are expected to be conversant in the proper respect of the flag, including when and how it should be flown, otherwise used and disposed of.